mỹ phẩm thuần chay

Vietnamese Martyrs (Vietnamese: Các Thánh Tử đạo Việt Nam; French: Martyrs du Viêt Nam), or in the current Roman Missal as Saint Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions (Vietnamese: Anrê Dũng-Lạc và các bạn tử đạo), also known as the Martyrs of Annam, Martyrs of Tonkin and Cochinchina, collectively Martyrs of Indochina, are saints on the General Roman Calendar who were canonized by Pope John Paul II. On June 19, 1988, thousands of Overseas Vietnamese worldwide gathered at the Vatican for the Celebration of the Canonization of 117 Vietnamese Martyrs, an event chaired by Monsignor Trần Văn Hoài. Their memorial is on November 24 (although many of these saints have a second memorial, having been beatified and were inscribed on the local calendar prior to the canonization of the group).

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