xà gồ z

Coagulation factor X (EC, or Stuart factor, is an enzyme of the coagulation cascade, encoded in humans by F10 gene. It is a serine endopeptidase (protease group S1, PA clan). Factor X is synthesized in the liver and requires vitamin K for its synthesis.
Factor X is activated, by hydrolysis, into factor Xa by both factor IX with its cofactor, factor VIII in a complex known as intrinsic pathway; and factor VII with its cofactor, tissue factor in a complex known as extrinsic pathway. It is therefore the first member of the final common pathway or thrombin pathway.
It acts by cleaving prothrombin in two places (an Arg-Thr and then an Arg-Ile bond), which yields the active thrombin. This process is optimized when factor Xa is complexed with activated co-factor V in the prothrombinase complex.
Factor Xa is inactivated by protein Z-dependent protease inhibitor (ZPI), a serine protease inhibitor (serpin). The affinity of this protein for factor Xa is increased 1000-fold by the presence of protein Z, while it does not require protein Z for inactivation of factor XI. Defects in protein Z lead to increased factor Xa activity and a propensity for thrombosis. The half life of factor X is 40–45 hours.

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    Xà gồ z mạ kẽm

    Xà gồ z mạ kẽm là một loại sản phẩm qua trọng không thể thiếu trong xây dựng và công nghiệp. Xà gồ z mạ kẽm là một loại thép được phủ lớp kẽm để tăng khả năng chống ăn mòn và chống oxi hóa. Quá trình mạ kẽm giúp bảo vệ xà gồ khỏi sự tác động của môi trường, đặc biệt là nước và không khí. Dùng...