This article will guide you to configure Advanced Bandwidth Management on the device SonicWall Gen 7 firewall.
1.Configure Bandwidth Management on Wan interface:
– Go Network|System|Interfacesat the Wan interface select the icon Edit the interface.
– Move to Advanced tab and at section BANDWIDTH MANAGEMENTactivated Enable Interface Egress Bandwidth Limitation and Enable Interface Ingress Bandwidth Limitation.
– Import Egress and Ingress bandwidth.Select OK.
2.Create Bandwidth Object:
– Go Object|Profile Objects|Bandwidthselect Add.
– In General Tabenter name, Guaranteed /Maximum Bandwidth, Traffic Priority and Violation Action.
– Select Save.
3.Create or edit Access Rule to apply Bandwidth Management:
– Go POLICY| Rules and Policies | Access Rules and find the access rule you want to apply BWM.
– If you want to apply BWM to an existing access rule, select the icon Edit.
– Then go there Traffic Shaping tab and at BWM (BANDWIDTH MANAGEMENT) select Egress and Ingress Bandwidth objects. Select Add.
!!! Thank you for following the article!!!
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