In this article, we will guide you through how to configure web gui on your Huawei Switch device.
– First you need to set the IP settings on the Switch, so that the PC and the switch can connect to each other. In this example, we will set the IP address on interface VLAN 1.
(HUAWEI)interface Vlanif 1
(HUAWEI-Vlanif1)ip add
(HUAWEI-Vlanif1)ip address 24
– Enable HTTP service.
- By default, the http server will be enabled by default, otherwise you can use the command below to enable the http feature.
(HUAWEI)http server enabled
- The interfcae configuration you use to connect to the http server, by default will only be allowed on the management interface MEth0/0/1, in this example we will configure it as VLAN 1 interface.
(HUAWEI)http server-source -i Vlanif 1
– Create users and configure allowed service-types.
- By default, when logging into Switch, you will have to create a password for your account, but to be able to access the webui, you need to check that the http service is allowed on the user.
(HUAWEI-aaa)local-user admin password irreversible-cipher admin123
(HUAWEI-aaa)local-user admin privilege level 15
(HUAWEI-aaa)local-user admin service-type terminal http
– Use a web browser and access the switch’s IP, you will see the login interface as below, log in with the account information created above.
!!! Thank you for following the article!!!
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