I woke up at 1 am because I saw a shadow of a person, turned on the light, I burst into tears


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I woke up at 1 am because I saw a shadow of a person, turned on the light, I burst into tears
To clarify the fear in my heart, one night I tried to stay up to see what happened in the middle of the night.
When we first got married, my husband and I lived with my husband's family. The mother-in-law is not a very gentle person, typically every day she yells at my father-in-law for eating, her sisters-in-law, her brother-in-law are scolded but not respectful. Of course, I am not an exception.
Five months after giving birth, the couple bought a house in the city and moved in separately. Because the child was still young, we had to ask my grandmother to take care of him to go to work.
Once, my child was sick with a fever and couldn't eat or drink, so he got sick. However, fortunately, my baby slept very well at night, so I did not lose sleep, too tired.

It is worth mentioning that during that time, at night I kept having the feeling that someone entered my room. But partly because I was too tired, partly because I thought it was an illusion, so I didn't pay much attention. However, many nights of constant repetition made me a little scared. To clarify the fear in my heart, one night I tried to stay up to see what happened in the middle of the night.
Of course, it's not all an illusion. That night, at 1 a.m. when I was half asleep because I almost fell asleep, the door to my room opened. A figure stepped in next to the baby's crib. I sat up and turned on the light to see who it was. None other than my mother-in-law. Seeing that my wife and I woke up, my mother-in-law was scared to startle, and stammered explained:
- Mommy wakes you up. Mom tried to go easy. Cu Bom (my son's name) was sick, I was afraid that in the middle of the night his crying would affect the children's sleep, so I sneaked here to hug him back to the bedroom with my mother to take care of him. about. I didn't like my mother to lull me and hold me when I slept, so my mother didn't dare say it, just had to do this.
I burst into tears when I heard my mother-in-law say those words. It turned out that for a long time, even though she scolded or cursed, she still cared about me very much. However, I often show an unpleasant attitude, even in my heart there is a slight disdain for the "country" and "old time" way of taking care of my mother-in-law's children. It is also because of the conflict in how to take care of children and grandchildren that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have many quarrels.
Especially the first time after giving birth, I was under a lot of stress because of my mother-in-law. Whenever I cried a little, my mother ran in immediately, telling me to take the baby. Honestly, at that time, the maternal instinct made me feel very sad and uncomfortable, feeling like I was not capable of being a mother, not capable of coaxing my children or why she did that.

I want to train my child to sleep on his own so that later he won't cling to his mother's breath, but his mother-in-law forces him to hold and lull him to sleep. If I told her, her mother-in-law told me to be lazy, make her grandchildren suffer, if she couldn't do it, she would let her do it, but she wouldn't do it.
Or when the child was 3-4 months old, her mother-in-law taught me to eat flour, so she also gave her salt to eat. I had little milk, had to give my baby more formula, then she said it was not good, told me to make condensed milk for my baby to drink, which made me not satisfied at all.
But now that I think about it, no matter what the mother-in-law is like, she all comes from the love of children and grandchildren. Through the fact that my child was sick, I felt more and more guilty about myself for being too strict with my mother-in-law. After that time, I think more freely, be more patient with my mother-in-law to explain to her what should or should not be.
As for her mother-in-law, she also regularly goes online to update news, look up information, learn many new things, so she also finds that what I say and do is reasonable. In general, since then, the mother-in-law's relationship has improved significantly, mother and daughter are comfortable sharing with each other, not the distance between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law as before.