1. What is Port LAG and the purpose of this feature?
– Port LAG (Link Aggregation) is a method of adding 2 or more network ports together, forming a single connection equal to the total bandwidth of participating ports or to prevent errors.
– Port LAG with trunking feature will increase connection speed beyond the limit of a single link or individual network port.
– Enhances actual transmission performance to create stability in the server environment, diversifying connections from clients.
– The redundancy feature also creates greater availability and prevents transmission interruptions.
2. Configuration:
– Log into the Sophos XG Web GUI page with an account with admin rights.
– Select Network > Interfaces > Add Interfaces > Add LAG and fill in the following parameters:
– Interface name: name this LAG port.
– Member Interface: select physical ports to join LAG. At least 2 ports should be selected to access the LAG, you can configure up to 4 ports in 1 LAG.
– Mode: Select mode for LAG.
- Active-Backup: in this method only connection errors are allowed to be tolerated.
- 802.3ad (LACP): select 802.3ad (LACP) for traffic load balancing and fault tolerance.
– Zone: select zone for port LAG.
– IP Assignment: You can choose between static ip or DHCP.
– Netmask: Enter the subnet mask for the LAG port.
– Click Save to save the configuration.
– So, we have created the LAG port on Sophos XG Firewall.
—Thank you for following this article—
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