đại lý hải quan

Đại La (Chinese: 大羅城; pinyin: Dàluóchéng), means the Citadel of the Great Dike, or La Thành (羅城, means the Citadel of the Dike) was an ancient fortified city in present-day Hanoi during the third Chinese domination of the 7th and 8th centuries, and again in the 11th-century under Lý dynasty.Đại La was constructed by jiedushi Gao Pian in 866. It was the seat of Songping County during the Tang dynasty, and was capital of the Tĩnh Hải quân. In 1010, Lý Công Uẩn decided to move his capital away from the cramped Hoa Lư (present-day Ninh Bình). Đại La was favored because of its central and convenient location, defensible terrain and relatively dry climate. According to the Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư, a Yellow Dragon appeared near Lý Công Uẩn's boat when he passed by Đại La. The sighting was considered as greatly auspicious by his ministers. Subsequently, the city was renamed Thăng Long ("rising dragon").

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  1. Q

    Học nghiệp vụ Khai Hải quan trực tuyến ở đâu ?

    THÔNG BÁO CHIÊU SINH LỚP NGHIỆP VỤ KHAI HẢI QUAN Nhận đăng ký liên tục (Liên hệ 0969 86 86 01 để được tư vấn) Kính gửi: Các đơn vị, cá nhân có nhu cầu bổ sung kiến thức, tham gia kỳ thi cấp chứng chỉ nghiệp vụ Khai Hải quan - Căn cứ công văn số 1005/TCHQ-TCCB ngày 25/2/2013 của Tổng cục Hải về...